
sleep deprivation

sleep deprivation

Insomnia is a condition in which a person either does not sleep peacefully or does not sleep long enough.

We all know how important it is to get enough sleep, but few realize the consequences of not getting enough sleep. Most of the time, instead of the necessary 8 hours, we sleep one hour less. Insomnia has a significant negative impact on our mental state, performance and mood.

How to recognize that we have sleep deprivation

  • In order to perform your usual activities with quality, it is very difficult for you to stay awake.

  • You have difficulty focusing on certain things, your short-term memory has worsened, which makes it difficult for you to absorb new material.

  • You have anxiety, you are easily irritated.

  • You may fall asleep at an inappropriate time (for example, while driving, during a lecture).

Here are some strategies to deal with sleep deprivation:

  • Realize that you need sleep in order to be alert and successful during the day. If you don't get enough sleep or don't sleep well, it can cause serious problems for your health.

  • Try to go to bed at the same time every day.

  • Eat caffeine-containing food and drinks (tea, coffee, etc.) only in the morning.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol before going to bed.

  • Arrange your bedroom so that it is calm, cool and not too bright.

  • Try to solve problems before going to sleep.

  • Avoid using your phone or reading e-books before going to bed. Turn off all gadgets an hour before. Replace the TV with reading a book or listening to pleasant music.

  • Exercise during the day, but never before bed.

  • Avoid long naps in the afternoon. 20-30 minutes of light sleep reduces stress. Sleeping longer than that during the day will disrupt your nighttime sleep habits.

  • Insomnia can be overcome and improved by consulting a psychologist in order to solve the problems that may be the cause of sleep insufficiency.

  • The best way is time management, distribution of responsibilities and, accordingly, allocating time for rest.